Bespoke metal work, the unsung hero, all done in-house.
Redline Restorations has brought metal fabrication in-house, where it belongs when precision is mandatory for restoring iconic classic automobiles back to their original splendor. Our in-house metal shop flawlessly couples the latest, most technologically advanced equipment and tooling with old-world craftsmanship to ensure the finest restoration of your coveted vehicle.
Our specialty equipment includes (but is not limited to):
- English Wheel
- Planishing Hammer
- 110v / 220v Steel / Alloy MIG Welder
- TIG Welder
- Oversized Metal Brake
If you would like to inquire about metal fabrication work for your vehicle, old or new, please fill out this form and a representative will contact you.
***We also offer financing to all of our services and vehicles. It is important to note that each service we offer may have distinct qualifying factors, payment options, and approval rates. We take pride in tailoring our financing solutions to meet the specific needs of our valued customers, ensuring that they can experience the excellence of our automotive creations and services without compromise. You can read more about our financing details here:
Rust removal
Any automotive enthusiast or collector knows rust is the biggest enemy to their prized vehicle. At Redline Restorations, our experienced team is prepared to implement a rust removal solution for any type of metals/alloys, utilizing new or restored original factory components and/or panels.